Prepare for bear trend!
And make it pure scam!
To protect the world from bubble!
To unite all plebs within our Telegram & Discord!
To denounce the evils of shills and fomo!
To extend our reach to the dildo above!
Team Rugpull blasts off at the speed of light!
Sell your Pepeballs now, or prepare to cry!Steowth!
That’s wight!
When there’s heroes, there’s villains... story of Pepemon is beginning to unfold, let us introduce you…

J-chan is a member of Team Rugpull, more specifically part of a trio goon squad with Pajeems and Steowth, that follows Pepe Ketchum and his friends around usually trying to steal Pepe’s Pepechu. Many of you may wonder why she has a smol body, well the story began when she was in Professor Pedo’s lab with her goon squad, sneaking into his lab trying to steal a renowned technology called M&M Finance made by Professor Pedo’s friend Padre Cronje. As she grabbed the M&M chip, it electrocuted J-chan and turned her smol forever, then she learned later that collecting enough Pepeballs can turn her back into her normal self… but how many is enough? No one knows…

Pajeems is a member of the trio goon squad along with J-chan and Steowth, he is the only adult (one that has a normal human body, at least) in the bunch. Pajeems was born with a smile on his face, even when he’s serious it looks like he is smiling all the time. When he was young he was often bullied by the kids of his age because of his face, he had dark days and fell into depression until one day he stumbled upon J-chan which was the very first person that wasn’t scared of Pajeems, he remembered clearly the first sentence she said when they met “HAHAHA I love your face! It’s funny, you will make a great MEME!” and thus Team Rugpull was created!

Steowth joined Team Rugpull not long after J-chan and Pajeems. They met when Padre Cronje was testing in production of a new technology called Peep3r Network at his Lab, they said degens were dying to have their hands on it so Steowth wanted to steal it’s codes stored in a chipset. J-chan and Pajeems were surprised when they met because this Pepemon could talk! Tales said in 2017 crypto crash Steowth began to study human language due to depression because it made him poor and wanted to get back on his feet to become a VC which never happened and so he became a member of Team Rugpull instead.

Pebuffet was originally the partner of a Trainer named Brody, but it joined Team Rugpull when J-chan accidentally traded her Pepekarp for it. Since then, Pebuffet has become an integral member of the team, frequently popping out of its Pepeball to offer commentary or join in on the Team Rugpull’s motto. He is always smiling like Pajeems which make them like best friends.
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