Pepemon halving is here! Also LPers voted by the DAO to receive more PPDEX rewards 🤑
The votes have been counted and the results are in
The first PepeDAO has been completed and was a massive success.

After 6 months of hard work and thousands of new Pepemon trainers we felt like a change was needed to our ingenious Pepemon ecosystem, to make it even more sustainable and less prone to excessive inflation!
The issue was that single-side PPBLZ stakers were earning just as much PPDEX as PPBLZ-ETH LP token stakers.
This felt unfair to the LP providers as providing liquidity comes with certain risks that single side staking does not have.
And for any DeFi platform to work it is important that community members are encouraged to actively participate within the ecosystem and that they get rewarded accordingly!

As they say, “Great minds think alike”, after 2 weeks and 54 votes, a whopping 95.34% has agreed to the PPDEX rewards being changed.
These numbers indicate a great unity within our community, and we can’t say it enough, that is something we are darn proud of!
Check out the DAO vote results here:
This means that, starting one week from now on the 15th of May, the following changes will be made to the ecosystem:
1. The single staking rewards will be decreased from 19 to ~14,25 PPDEX per year per PPBLZ staked.
2. The uniV2 LP staking rewards will be increased from 28,50 to ~30,5 PPDEX per year per PPBLZ staked.
As a fair warning to all single side stakers, if you do not claim your PPDEX balance before the changes are made to the ecosystem, your PPDEX balance will be decreased by the new multiplier. Same goes for the PPBLZ-ETH LPers.
Therefore we advise everyone to claim their PPDEX before the 15th of May.
This was yet another successful step in to creating a more decentralized and community driven project and it sure won’t be the last.
Whenever change is needed we will rely on PPBLZ holders to share your opinion and views on the correct path to go!
Thank you to all that took their time to think about and vote on this proposal!